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Terminal-based RCON client compatible with any game servers using the Source RCON Protocol.

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A lightweight cross-platform RCON client compatible with any game using the Source RCON Protocol.

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# Features - Highly configurable - **Cross-Platform:** - Windows - Linux - macOS - **Works for any game using the [Source RCON Protocol](** - **Handles large packets without issue** - **Handles multi-packet responses without issue** - **Supports Minecraft Bukkit's colorized text** - You can set delays in the INI file or directly on the commandline - Supports saving a server's connection info so you can connect to it with 1 word If you've ever used `ssh`'s `config` file, this will be very familiar. *(albeit with more sensible syntax)* - This can be done in a text editor **or entirely from the commandline** - Can be used as a one-off from the commandline, or in an interactive console - Supports piped input using shell operators. For example; `echo "help" | ARRCON -S myServer` would send the `help` command to the `myServer` host - Piped commands are sent _after_ any commands explicitly specified on the commandline - You can write scripts and manually execute them with the `-f`/`--file` options in addition to shell scripts - Commands are separated by newlines - Commands from script files are sent _after_ any piped commands - Line comments can be written using semicolons `;` or pound signs '#' - Shows an indicator when the server didn't respond to your command # Installation Get the latest version for your OS from the [releases]( page. If you're using the [Windows](#windows) or [MacOS](#macos) versions, see the additional information below. There is no installation process required, simply extract the archive to a location of your choice, then run it using a terminal emulator. If you want to be able to run ARRCON from any working directory without specifying its location, you must [add the location to your environment's PATH variable]( ## Windows On newer versions of Windows, you may be required to "unblock" the executable before Windows will let you use it. This is because the executable isn't signed with a Microsoft-approved signing certificate, which costs upwards of [$300/year]( To unblock it, ___Right-Click___ on `ARRCON.exe` in the file explorer and click ___Properties___ at the bottom of the right-click menu. ![]( Check the ___unblock___ box, then click ___Apply___. ## MacOS **If you're running macOS 10.9 or later, you must install `gcc` via [HomeBrew]( or some other package manager!** If homebrew is installed, you can run this command to install and setup `gcc` automatically: `brew install gcc` This is because Apple no longer includes `libstdc++` by default as of macOS 10.9 *(See [#11](*, which is required for ARRCON to run. ## Building from Source See [here]( for a brief guide on building ARRCON from source. # Usage ARRCON is a CLI _(Command-Line Interface)_ program, which means you need to run it through a terminal. __On Windows, you can use `cmd.exe` or `powershell.exe` by R+Clicking on the start menu and selecting "Command Prompt" or "PowerShell".__ For more detailed usage instructions, see the [Getting Started]( page on the wiki. To see a list of commands, use `ARRCON -h` or `ARRCON --help` To see a list of environment variables, their current values, and a description of each, use `ARRCON --print-env` ## Modes - ___Interactive Shell___ ![]( Opens an interactive console session. You can send commands and view the responses in real-time. - Used by default when there are no command arguments. - Connection remains open until you disconnect or kill the process, or if the server closes. - ___One-Shot___ ![ARRCON Scripting Support]( This mode is designed for scripting, it sends commands directly from the commandline in sequential order before exiting. _(You can also open an interactive shell at the same time with the `-i` / `--interactive` options.)_ Supported input methods: - Commandline Parameters _These are any arguments that are __not__ short/long-opts and __not captured by__ short/long-opts._ - Shell Scripts - Redirected input from STDIN - Script Files Splits commands by line, and allows comments using a semicolon `;` or pound sign `#`. Comments are always considered line comments. _Use the '`-f`' or '`--file`' options to specify a scriptfile to load._ # Contributing If you want to add a new feature, fix a bug, or just improve something that annoys you, feel free to submit pull requests and/or issues. ## Feedback & Requests Feel free to leave feedback on the issues tab! There are a number of premade templates for the following situations: - [Questions]( - [Bug Reports]( - [Protocol Support Requests]( - __A note on Battleye's RCON protocol:__ Battleye's RCON protocol requires sending "keep-alive" packets at least every 45 seconds to maintain the connection, which is better suited by a multithreaded GUI application, and as such will not be implemented in ARRCON. Other protocols or game-specific implementations however, will be considered. - [Feature Requests]( - [Suggestions]( - [Documentation Suggestions or Additions]( ## Pull Requests Feel free to submit a pull request if you've added a feature or fixed a bug with the project! Contributions are always welcomed, I'll review it as soon as I see the notification.

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