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In category: File Transfer & Synchronization

About Pydio

Turn any web server into a powerful file management system and an alternative to mainstream cloud storage providers.

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Pydio Cells is the nextgen file sharing platform for organizations. It is a full rewrite of the Pydio project using the Go language following a micro-service architecture.

Getting Started

These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes. See the Deployment section below for notes on how to deploy the project on a live system.

A - Prerequisites

The following elements are required to compile and run Pydio Cells on your machine:

  • Go language v1.18 or higher and a correctly configured Go toolchain,
  • MySQL database 5.6 or higher (or MariaDB equivalent).

Note: We have developed and tested Pydio Cells on macOS, Ubuntu, Debian and CentOS. Windows version might still have unknown glitches and is not yet supported.

B - Build From Sources

Assuming that your system meets the above prerequisites, building the Pydio Cells backend from the source code is quite straightforward:

# Retrieve the code
git clone
# Enter cells directory
cd cells
# Build your binary
make dev

C - Configure Environment

To have the environment running, you must also:

  • Create a database in your chosen DB server,
  • Run the Pydio Cells installer that will guide you through the necessary steps: you might refer to the official documentation for additional information.
./cells configure

D - Start Server

./cells start
Access the default site https://localhost:8080/ and you are good to go. Learn more about Cells features and advanced configuration in the Documentation.

Running the tests

To run the tests, simply do

go test -v ./...

Please read the document if you wish to add more tests or contribute to the code.

Pre-built Binaries

Binaries are currently provided for Linux, macOS and Windows distributions. To deploy them on a live system, please see the Installation Guide instructions.

Built With

Pydio Cells uses many open-source Golang libraries. The most important ones are listed below, please see DEPENDENCIES for an exhaustive list of other libs and their licenses.

  • Minio - Objects server implementing s3 protocol


Please read for details on our code of conduct, and the process for submitting pull requests to us. You can find a comprehensive Developer Guide on our website. Our online docs are open-source as well, feel free to improve them by contributing!

We are also looking for help to translate the Cells interface in various languages. It is really easy to participate: just navigate to our page in the Crowdin translation tool, create an account and get started.

Versioning & Branches

Please note that git main branch moved from master for Cells v1 to v3 (vendoring, no modules) to main for Cells v4 (go modules).

We use Semantic Versioning. For all available versions, see the release list.


See the list of contributors who participated in this project. Pydio Cells is also a continuation of the Pydio project and many contributions were ported from pydio-core to the code that can be found under frontend/front-srv/assets.


This project is licensed under the AGPLv3 License - see the LICENSE file for more details.

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Pydio Reviews (1)

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Jakin avatar

May 12, 2023, 7:42 p.m.

I've tested Pydio extensively for a month and it's absolutely a great self-hosted file sharing system. Much much faster and more responsive than Nextcloud.
Built using the micro services model where every component of the system is a service and they all are connected together to form the whole thing. That and being written in Go instead of PHP makes it super fast and snappy.
I love the fact that it supports and actually highly recommends S3 storage backend rather than a flat file system storage. You can even combine S3 and typical file system storage as each 'space' or 'cell' can have its own backend storage. I've tested it with S3 compatible storage and it worked flawlessly.
As of June 2023, they have just updated the desktop syncing client after being unmaintained for about 2 years.
The mobile app works fine but is very simple. It allows you to browse, upload, share and delete files.
The installation process is fairly easy and well-documented on their website with step-by-step guides for major distros.
I hope they continue improving it even more but I guess unless enough people use it and submit feedback and show community interest, it may not be greatly maintained.

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