A web application for scheduling meetings and general polling.
Deploy this app to RackNerd for $0.99/mo only!
Bitpoll is a software to conduct polls about Dates, Times or general Questions.
This is a new version of the Dudel from opatut (https://github.com/opatut/dudel) used on
docker build --tag <imagename>
cd <workdir>
mkdir -p run/{log,static,config}
cp <original_dir>/bitpoll/settings_local.py run/config/settings.py
vim run/config/settings.py
docker run -a stdout -a stderr --rm --name bitpoll -p 3008:3008 -p 3009:3009 --volume `pwd`/run/static:/opt/static --volume `pwd`/run/config:/opt/config --volume `pwd`/run/log/:/opt/log <image_name>
The Static assets from TODO: add example nginx Config
Get the code:
git clone https://github.com/fsinfuhh/Bitpoll
Generate a Python virtualenv and install dependencies:
virtualenv -p $(which python3) .pyenv
source .pyenv/bin/activate
pip install -r requirements.txt
Copy bitpoll/settings_local.sample.py
to bitpoll/settings_local.py
and customize the local settings.
Initialise Database:
./manage.py migrate
Run Testserver:
./manage.py runserver
In production Senty is used for error reporting. django-auth-ldap is used vor login via ldap uwsgi to serve the app
Install Dependencies for Production:
sudo apt install g++ make python3-psycopg2 python3-ldap3 gettext gcc python3-dev libldap2-dev libsasl2-dev
Install Python Dependencies
pip install -r requirements-production.txt
Configure examples are in settings_local.py
our used uwsgi config can be found at https://github.com/fsinfuhh/mafiasi-rkt/blob/master/bitpoll/uwsgi-bitpoll.ini
For Production systems it is nessesarry to run
./manage.py compilemessages
./manage.py collectstatic
We use pip-tools to manage the dependencies. After modification or the requirements*.in files or for updates of packages run
pip-compile --upgrade --output-file requirements.txt requirements.in
pip-compile --upgrade --output-file requirements-production.txt requirements-production.in requirements.in
to sync your enviroment with the requirements.txt just run
this will install/deinstall dependencies so that the virtualenv is matching the requirements file
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