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In category: Communication / Social Networks and Forums

About cartulary

RSS reader, readability tool, article archiver, microblogger, social graph manager and reading list manager.

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More about cartulary

What is Cartulary?

It's part of the Freedom Controller project:

The larger goal of the project is an attempt at building a distributed social network through the use of standard RSS and OPML feeds. This is the first product.

We call Cartulary a digital archiver. But, you could also call it a social network in a box. It's an RSS reader, RSS aggregator, readability tool, article archiver, microblogger, social graph manager and reading list manager.

You can publish all of your feeds into a single social outline(OPML) with it, so that other people can easily subscribe to all of your stuff at once. You can save full text articles into a feed as you read things on the web, then later export them into an OPML file using date ranges and searches.

It all runs on a standard LAMP stack, and it supports multiple users. So, if you're a techy person, you can run your own server for all your friends.

We have a google group for announcements, questions and install help here:!forum/sopml


All original code in this package is currently licensend under the CDDL license.

All non-original functions/libraries remain under their respective licenses or are listed with source attribution if the code is public domain or unlicensed.

Concord Outliner: GPL ( is the browser engine of Fargo:


The software will run on any unix-like system with a LAMP stack fairly easily, but it installs and upgrades easiest on Unbuntu LTS 14, 16, etc. That's what is assumed in the install documentation. Running on any other system will require installing by hand, which is not hard.

Although the system will run without Amazon S3 configured, it loses a lot of the best functionality. Amazon S3 is really cheap. You should do it. :-)

Example: Ubuntu 14,16 LTS [on Amazon Ec2]:

1. [Launch a "small" Ubuntu LTS ec2 instance.]
2. [Create an Elastic IP and assign it to your instance.]
3. Create a DNS A or CNAME record for the server and point it to your elastic ip.
4. Create two S3 buckets: 1 for holding user data and 1 for holding server backups.
5. [Optional] Create a DNS cname to point to your S3 user bucket. This makes life
   easier for your users.
6. Download the github zip archive.
7. Unzip the archive.
8. You can open "cartulary-master/INSTALL" and edit the "INSTALLDIR" variable to
   install in a different directory than the default at this point.
9. Without going into the extracted directory, run "sudo cartulary-master/INSTALL".

** The INSTALLation script is meant to ONLY be run on a fresh version of Ubuntu 12. I
take no responsibility for how bad you wreck your system if you run it on anything 
other than that.

Other (Linux, Mac):

1. Create a DNS A or CNAME record for your server or configure dynDNS.
2. Create two S3 buckets: 1 for holding user data and 1 for holding server backups.
3. [Optional] Create a DNS cname to point to your S3 user bucket. This makes life
   easier for your users.
4. Download the github zip archive.
5. Unzip the archive.
6. Open the INSTALL file and follow along, making changes where necessary
   for your particular environment.


Saved articles page

The outline editor

News river page

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