Always online web IRC client.
Deploy this app to RackNerd for $0.99/mo only!
Convos is a multiuser chat application that runs in your web browser.
The supported chat protocol is currently IRC, but Convos can be extended to support other protocols as well.
See for more details.
The backend is powered by Mojolicious, while the frontend is held together by the progressive JavaScript framework Svelte.
See "Getting started" for other options and more information.
curl | sh -
./convos/script/convos daemon
That's it! After the two commands above, you can point your browser to http://localhost:3000 and start chatting.
You can use the command below to pull and run convos:
docker pull convos/convos:stable
mkdir -p $HOME/convos/data
docker run -it -p 8080:3000 -v $HOME/convos/data:/data convos/convos:stable
Note that Nordaaker/convos will be around for a while, but the new official image is "convos/convos".
Notes for developers so a new release is made in a proper way.
# Update with the recent changes and make sure the timestamp is proper
$EDITOR Changes
# Build the production assets and update and check that all the files
# have the correct version information
./script/convos build release
"main" is for developers. It's mostly stable, but might require extra tools and packages to run. This branch might have outdated assets (JavaScript, CSS files), so it might not work properly.
"stable" is the branch you should use, if you want to clone and run Convos. The JavaScript assets and the Perl code will be in sync here.
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Self-hosted web IRC client written in Go.
A web frontend for WeeChat.
Fast, light and extensible chat client.
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