CoreShop is a e-commerce plugin for Pimcore.
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CoreShop - Pimcore eCommerce
CoreShop is a eCommerce Platform for Pimcore.
composer config "minimum-stability" "dev"
composer config "prefer-stable" "true"
composer require coreshop/core-shop:^3.0
php bin/console pimcore:bundle:enable CoreShopCoreBundle
php bin/console coreshop:install
php bin/console coreshop:install:demo
CoreShop also uses Symfony Messenger for async tasks like sending E-Mails or Processing DataObjects for the Index. Please run these 2 transports to process the data
bin/console messenger:consume coreshop_notification coreshop_index --time-limit=300
You can see a running demo here CoreShop 3.x Demo
Backend Credentials
Username: admin
Password: coreshop
SYMFONY_ENV=test vendor/bin/phpstan analyse -c phpstan.neon src -l 3 --memory-limit=-1
CORESHOP_SKIP_DB_SETUP=1 PIMCORE_TEST_DB_DSN=mysql://root:ROOT@coreshop-3-mariadb/coreshop2___behat vendor/bin/behat -c behat.yml.dist -p default
vendor/bin/bdi detect drivers
# Install Pimcore and CoreShop in Test Env
APP_ENV=test PIMCORE_TEST_DB_DSN=mysql://root:ROOT@coreshop-3-mariadb/coreshop2___behat PIMCORE_INSTALL_ADMIN_USERNAME=admin PIMCORE_INSTALL_ADMIN_PASSWORD=admin PIMCORE_INSTALL_MYSQL_HOST_SOCKET=coreshop-3-mariadb PIMCORE_INSTALL_MYSQL_USERNAME=root PIMCORE_INSTALL_MYSQL_PASSWORD=ROOT PIMCORE_INSTALL_MYSQL_DATABASE=coreshop2___behat PIMCORE_INSTALL_MYSQL_PORT=3306 PIMCORE_KERNEL_CLASS=Kernel vendor/bin/pimcore-install --ignore-existing-config --env=test --skip-database-config
APP_ENV=test PIMCORE_CLASS_DIRECTORY=var/tmp/behat/var/classes PIMCORE_TEST_DB_DSN=mysql://root:ROOT@coreshop-3-mariadb/coreshop2___behat bin/console coreshop:install
# Run Symfony Server
APP_ENV=test PIMCORE_TEST_DB_DSN=mysql://root:ROOT@ symfony server:start --port=9080 --dir=public --no-tls
# Run Behat
CORESHOP_SKIP_DB_SETUP=1 PANTHER_EXTERNAL_BASE_URI= PANTHER_NO_HEADLESS=0 PIMCORE_TEST_DB_DSN=mysql://root:ROOT@ php -d memory_limit=-1 vendor/bin/behat -c behat.yml.dist -p ui -vvv
Copyright: CoreShop GmbH For licensing details please visit
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