Self-hosted web IRC client written in Go.
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There is a few different ways of getting it:
This requires a Go environment, version 1.11 or greater.
Fetch, compile and run dispatch:
go get
To get some help run:
dispatch help
docker run \
-p <http port>:80 \
-p <https port>:443 \
-v <path>:/data \
--restart unless-stopped \
-d khlieng/dispatch
go install
This requires Node.js and yarn.
Fetch the dependencies:
GO111MODULE=off go get
yarn global add gulp-cli
cd client
Run the build:
gulp build
The server needs to be rebuilt to embed new client builds.
For development with hot reloading start the frontend:
And then the backend in a separate terminal:
dispatch --dev
The libraries this project is built with.
Cross-browser Testing Platform and Open Source <3 Provided by Sauce Labs
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