Dolibarr ERP CRM is a modern software package to manage your company or foundation activity (contacts, suppliers, invoices, orders, stocks, agenda, accounting, ...).
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Dolibarr ERP & CRM is a modern software package that helps manage your organization's activity (contacts, suppliers, invoices, orders, stocks, agenda…).
It's an Open Source Software suite (written in PHP with optional JavaScript enhancements) designed for small, medium or large companies, foundations and freelancers.
You can freely use, study, modify or distribute it according to its licence.
You can use it as a standalone application or as a web application to access it from the Internet or a LAN.
Dolibarr has a large community ready to help you, free forums and preferred partners ready to offer commercial support should you need it
Dolibarr is released under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version (GPL-3+).
See the COPYING file for a full copy of the license.
Other licenses apply for some included dependencies. See COPYRIGHT for a full list.
If you have low technical skills and you're looking to install Dolibarr ERP/CRM in just a few clicks, you can use one of the packaged versions:
Releases can be downloaded from official website.
You can use a web server and a supported database (MariaDB, MySQL or PostgreSQL) to install the standard version.
On GNU/Linux, first check if your distribution has already packaged Dolibarr.
Check that your installed PHP version is supported see PHP support.
Uncompress the downloaded .zip archive to copy the "dolibarr/htdocs" directory and all its files inside your web server root or get the files directly from GitHub (recommanded if you know git as it makes it easier if you want to upgrade later):
git clone -b x.y
(where x.y is main version like 3.6, 9.0, ...)
Set up your web server to use "dolibarr/htdocs" as root if your web server does not have an already defined directory to point to.
Create an empty htdocs/conf/conf.php
file and set write permissions for your web server user (write permission will be removed once install is finished)
From your browser, go to the dolibarr "install/" page
The URL will depends on how you web setup was setup to point to your dolibarr installation. It may looks like:
If you don't have time to install it yourself, you can try some commercial 'ready to use' Cloud offers (See However, this third solution is not free.
Dolibarr supports upgrading, usually without the need for any (commercial) support (depending on if you use any commercial extensions). It supports upgrading all the way from any version after 2.8 without breakage. This is unique in the ERP ecosystem and a benefit our users highly appreciate!
file exists to lock any other upgrade process, the application will ask you to remove the file manually (you should find the install.lock
file in the directory used to store generated and uploaded documents, in most cases, it is the directory called "documents").See the ChangeLog file.
Product Management
Customer/Sales Management
Supplier/Purchase Management
(around 100 modules available by default, 1000+ on the addon market place)
See exact requirements on the Wiki
Dolibarr can be extended with a lot of other external application or modules from third party developers available at the DoliStore.
These are features that Dolibarr does not yet fully support:
Administrator, user, developer and translator's documentations are available along with other community resources in the Wiki.
This project exists thanks to all the people who contribute. Please read the instructions how to contribute (report a bug/error, a feature request, send code ...) [Contribute]
A view on Contributors:
Dolibarr is the work of many contributors over the years and uses some fine PHP libraries.
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