Web spreadsheet. Your data is saved on the web, and people can edit the same document at the same time. Everybody's changes are instantly reflected on all screens.
Deploy this app to RackNerd for $0.99/mo only!
Your data is saved on the web, and people can edit the same document at the same time. Everybody's changes are instantly reflected on all screens.
Work together on inventories, survey forms, list management, brainstorming sessions and more!
REST API: http://docs.ethercalc.apiary.io/
Language: LiveScript
timeout 300
setting in /etc/redis.conf
, or upgrade to Redis 2.4+ if possible at all. For more details, see #49.For global installation (may need root)
npm i -g ethercalc
For local non-root installation
git clone git@github.com:audreyt/ethercalc.git
cd ethercalc
npm i
Nodejs older than 6.0
downgrade Nodemailer to v2.7.2
Or install with our Docker image, which comes with support for webworker-threads:
# Install docker and docker-compose
sudo ./misc/linux-install-docker-and-compose.sh
# Run ethercalc on port 80 ( http://localhost/ )
docker-compose up -d
Config database
set env vars:
REDIS_HOST = localhost
OPENSHIFT_DATA_DIR= process.cwd!
OPENSHIFT_DATA_DIR is used if redis is not Running.
Code is here:
Send email
Optional - Send email formulas requires OAuth2 & cron e.g. =email(to, subject, body), =emailAt(time, to, subject, body)
OAuth2 - Set environment vars
1) Tutorial: follow the tutorial to get the 4 environment vars http://masashi-k.blogspot.com.au/2013/06/sending-mail-with-gmail-using-xoauth2.html
2) Set 4 environment vars - see [src/emailer.ls] vars: user, clientId, clientSecret, refreshToken
Tested using gmail, have not tested with other providors
Cron - Required for emailAt formulas.
See *curl* in [.openshift/cron/minutely/timetrigger] for openshift version (openshift](openshift.redhat.com)
The curl checks the database for unsent emails and updates the database after sending.
Please see API.md for the API Blueprint, or the online version at Apiary.
/ --port
Specify a specific host and/or a different port for the service.
By default EtherCalc listens at
(all IPv4 interfaces).
/ --certfile
openssl genrsa -out ethercalc-key.pem 1024
openssl req -new -key ethercalc-key.pem -out certrequest.csr
openssl x509 -req -in certrequest.csr -signkey ethercalc-key.pem -out ethercalc-cert.pem
ethercalc --keyfile ethercalc-key.pem --certfile ethercalc-cert.pem
Useful when running behind a proxy without WebSocket support.
Useful when setting up EtherCalc as a public REST API server.
--basepath /path/prefix
Useful when running under an URL rewriter. If running with a nginx reverse proxy, please add this section:
location /zappa/socket/__local/ {
rewrite (.*) /path/prefix$1;
--key secret
Offers read-write vs. read-only modes. See issues #1 and #4 for details on setting this up.
Runs a single-thread background loop with vm.createContext
instead of webworker-threads
Useful for running custom functions in server side that requires full VM access.
--expire 86400
Deletes a spreadsheet's content after N seconds of inactivity. Activities include accessing with REST API as well as Web UI, including moving the active cell cursor on an opened page.
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