Gitolite allows you to setup git hosting on a central server, with fine-grained access control and many more powerful features.
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(Github-users: click the "wiki" link before sending me anything via github.)
This is a minimal README for gitolite, so you can quickly get started with:
For anything more, you need to look at the complete documentation, at: Please go there for what/why/how, concepts, background, troubleshooting, more details on what is covered here, advanced features not covered here, migration from older gitolite, running gitolite over http (rather than ssh), and many more topics.
You are familiar with:
You are setting up a fresh, ssh-based, installation of gitolite on a Unix machine of some sort.
You have root access, or someone has created a userid called "git" for you
to use and given you a password for it. This is a brand new userid (or
you have deleted everything but .bashrc
and similar files to make it
look like one!)
If your server is not connected to the internet, you know how to clone the gitolite source code by using some in-between server or "git bundle".
First, prepare the ssh key:
is empty or non-existentNext, install gitolite by running these commands:
git clone
mkdir -p $HOME/bin
gitolite/install -to $HOME/bin
Finally, setup gitolite with yourself as the administrator:
gitolite setup -pk
If the last command doesn't run perhaps "bin" is not in your "PATH". You can either add it, or just run:
$HOME/bin/gitolite setup -pk
If you get any other errors please refer to the online documentation whose URL was given at the top of this file.
Do NOT add new repos or users manually on the server. Gitolite users, repos, and access rules are maintained by making changes to a special repo called "gitolite-admin" and pushing those changes to the server.
To administer your gitolite installation, start by doing this on your workstation (if you have not already done so):
git clone git@host:gitolite-admin
NOTE: if you are asked for a password, something went wrong.. Go hit the link for the complete documentation earlier in this file.
Now if you "cd gitolite-admin", you will see two subdirectories in it: "conf" and "keydir".
To add new users alice, bob, and carol, obtain their public keys and add them to "keydir" as,, and respectively.
To add a new repo "foo" and give different levels of access to these users, edit the file "conf/gitolite.conf" and add lines like this:
repo foo
RW+ = alice
RW = bob
R = carol
Once you have made these changes, do something like this:
git add conf
git add keydir
git commit -m "added foo, gave access to alice, bob, carol"
git push
When the push completes, gitolite will add the new users to
on the server, as well as create a new, empty, repo
called "foo".
Once a user has sent you their public key and you have added them as specified above and given them access, you have to tell them what URL to access their repos at. This is usually "git clone git@host:reponame"; see man git-clone for other forms.
NOTE: again, if they are asked for a password, something is wrong.
If they need to know what repos they have access to, they just have to run "ssh git@host info".
Gitolite's access rules are very powerful. The simplest use was already shown above. Here is a slightly more detailed example:
repo foo
RW+ = alice
- master = bob
- refs/tags/v[0-9] = bob
RW = bob
RW refs/tags/v[0-9] = carol
R = dave
Here's what these example rules say:
alice can do anything to any branch or tag -- create, push, delete, rewind/overwrite etc.
bob can create or fast-forward push any branch whose name does not start with "master" and create any tag whose name does not start with "v"+digit.
carol can create tags whose names start with "v"+digit.
dave can clone/fetch.
Please see the main documentation linked above for all the gory details, as well as more features and examples.
Gitolite allows you to group users or repos for convenience. Here's an example that creates two groups of users:
@staff = alice bob carol
@interns = ashok
repo secret
RW = @staff
repo foss
RW+ = @staff
RW = @interns
Group lists accumulate. The following two lines have the same effect as the earlier definition of @staff above:
@staff = alice bob
@staff = carol
You can also use group names in other group names:
@all-devs = @staff @interns
Finally, @all is a special group name that is often convenient to use if you really mean "all repos" or "all users".
Users can run certain commands remotely, using ssh. Running
ssh git@host help
prints a list of available commands.
The most commonly used command is "info". All commands respond to a single argument of "-h" with suitable information.
If you have shell on the server, you have a lot more commands available to you; try running "gitolite help".
Please see for mailing list and IRC info.
The gitolite software is copyright Sitaram Chamarty and is licensed under the GPL v2; please see the file called COPYING in the source distribution.
Please see for more.
NOTE: GIT is a trademark of Software Freedom Conservancy and my use of "Gitolite" is under license.
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