Open source commentary system easy to integrate with static pages. You can import from Disqus.
Deploy this app to RackNerd for $0.99/mo only!
Clone of Disqus, but faster, Opensource and sexy.
## Use it now
- [How does it work?](#how-does-it-work)
- [Origin](#origin)
- [Run](#run)
- [Notification template for email](#notification-template-for-email)
- [API](#api)
- [Terminal cli](#terminal-cli)
- [Deployment](#deployment)
- [Create your own JAR](#create-your-own-jar)
## How does it work?
sudo apt install default-jre
Mac OS
brew install java
2) Create a file `config.yaml` with the following content. You can also use `config.yaml.example` as a base config and change it to fit your needs.
##### General #####
# If it is active it will be accessible to any client
debug: false
# It can be a domain in case of using a proxy:
domain: localhost
port: 4000
# Access for APP
token: mysecret
# It indicates which domain can use it. Debug true so there are no limitations.
domain-cli: ""
##### Notify #####
# Type of notification, currently valid: email
notify: email
subject: New comment
# SMTP, only notify: email
smtp-user: smtpuser
smtp-password: smtppassword
smtp-port: 25
smtp-tls: true
##### Captcha #####
# Currently valid: time
captcha: time
##### Database #####
# Currently valid: plain
database: plain
3) Download the latest version of Glosa (`glosa-{version}-standalone.jar`).
4) Now you can execute glosa.
java -jar target/glosa-{version}-standalone.jar
Great 🎉. You already have your 🔥 own comment server 🔥.
That's it, now you just have to test that it works properly.
curl localhost:4000/api/v1/captcha/?url=https://glosa.example/best-SO/'
It will return a random token
## Notification template for email
The first time Glosa is run it will create an HTML template with the name `template-email.html`. Edit freely.
curl -XDELETE -H "Authorization: Bearer mysecret" -H "Content-type: application/json" ...
### Public
No `token` is required to interact.
#### Get Comments
Gets all the comments on one page.
**Method**: `GET`
| Param | Value | Description |
| url | string | Page where you want to get the comments. |
##### Example
Get from `http://glosa.example/best-SO/`.
curl 'http://localhost:4000/api/v1/comments/?url=https://glosa.example/best-SO/'
##### Success response
"id": 4812781236,
"parent": "",
"deep": 0,
"createdAt": 1584266634,
"thread": "https://glosa.example/best-SO/",
"author": "Lexar",
"email": "",
"message": "Do you use Glosa too? It's an amazing technology."
"id": 4812781237,
"parent": "4812781236",
"deep": 1,
"createdAt": 1584266746,
"thread": "https://glosa.example/best-SO/",
"author": "Lucia",
"email": "",
"message": "I love the article."
##### Fail response
#### Last Comments
Get the last 10 comments sorted by date. A pager is available.
**Method**: `POST`
| Param | Value | Description |
| page | number | Paginator. |
##### Example
I get the last 10 comments.
curl 'http://localhost:4000/api/v1/comments/latest/1'
Last comments between 30 and 40.
curl 'http://localhost:4000/api/v1/comments/latest/3'
##### Success response
"id": 4812781236,
"parent": "",
"deep": 0,
"createdAt": 1584266634,
"thread": "https://glosa.example/best-SO/",
"author": "Lexar",
"email": "",
"message": "Do you use Glosa too? It's an amazing technology."
"id": 4812781237,
"parent": "4812781236",
"deep": 1,
"createdAt": 1584266746,
"thread": "https://glosa.example/best-SO/",
"author": "Lucia",
"email": "",
"message": "I love the article."
##### Fail response
#### Add Comment
Add new comment on one page. **Require token generated by the [captcha endpoint](#get-captcha-token)**. After saving the comment the _captcha token_ will no longer be valid. At the same time a notification (email) will be sent to the administrator (in the configuration it is called `admin`), in case it is a sub-comment it will also be sent another notification to the parent of the comment if the address is present.
The steps must be.
1. Get [captcha token](#get-captcha-token).
2. Add comment.
**Method**: `POST`
| Param | Value | Description |
| parent | number | If it's a sub-comment, the number of the parent comment. Otherwise leave empty. |
| author | string | Author's name. |
| email | string | Email that the user will be notified of the responses to his comment. Leave blank if not desired. |
| message | string | Message. It can be HTML or plain. |
| token | number | Number of the token generated by the [captcha endpoint](#get-captcha-token). |
| thread | string | Page where you want to save the comment. |
##### Example
Save comment from `https://glosa.example/best-SO/`.
curl -XPOST -H "Content-type: application/json" -d '{
"parent": "",
"author": "Juana",
"email": "",
"message": "I like it very much.",
}' 'http://localhost:4000/api/v1/comments/'
##### Success response
"added": true
##### Fail response
"added": false
#### Get captcha token
Get a token to validate that a new comment can be created. It has only one use. It must also be obtained 20 seconds before use or it will not work.
**Method**: `GET`
| Param | Value | Description |
| url | string | Page where you want to save the comment. |
##### Example
Get token for page `https://glosa.example/best-SO/`.
curl 'http://localhost:4000/api/v1/captcha/?url=https://glosa.example/best-SO/'
##### Success response
##### Fail response
"error": "Need URL"
#### Check if he is alive
Simple answer to check that the service is working.
**Method**: `GET`
##### Example
curl 'http://localhost:4000/api/v1/ping/'
##### Success response
"ping": "pong"
#### Check if token is valid
**Method**: `POST`
| Param | Value | Description |
| url | string | Page where you want to save the comment. |
##### Example
curl -XPOST -H "Authorization: Bearer mysecret" 'http://localhost:4000/api/v1/token/check/'
##### Success response
"valid": true
##### Fail response
"valid": false
### Private
#### Update Comment
Update a comment for ID. [Authorization required](#authorization).
**Method**: `PUT`
| Param | Value | Description |
| id | number | Comment ID. |
| author | string | Author's name. |
| email | string | Email that the user will be notified of the responses to his comment. Leave blank if not desired. |
| message | string | Message. It can be HTML or plain. |
##### Example
Update comment with id `1234`.
curl -XPUT -H "Authorization: Bearer mysecret" -H "Content-type: application/json" -d '{
"id": 1234
"author": "Alex",
"email": "",
"message": "I love the article."
}' 'http://localhost:4000/api/v1/comments/
##### Success response
"updated": true,
"id": 1234
##### Fail response
"updated": false,
"id": 1234
#### Delete Comment
Delete a comment for ID. [Authorization required](#authorization).
**Method**: `DELETE`
| Param | Value | Description |
| id | number | Comment ID. |
##### Example
Delete comment with id `1234`.
curl -XDELETE -H "Authorization: Bearer mysecret" -H "Content-type: application/json" http://localhost:4000/api/v1/comments/1234
##### Success response
"deleted": true,
"id": 1234
##### Fail response
"deleted": false,
"id": 1234
#### Search Threads
Search for all urls containing a certain string ignoring uppercase. [Authorization required](#authorization).
**Method**: `POST`
| Param | Value | Description |
| query | string | String to search. |
##### Example
Search all threads with `tadam`.
curl -XPOST -H "Authorization: Bearer mysecret" 'http://localhost:4000/api/v1/threads/search/tadam'
##### Success response
"thread": ""
"thread": ""
##### Fail response
## Terminal cli
To **manage some minor features** you can use the `manager` script which will filter, modify or delete the database. Previously **remember to stop Glosa** to avoid problems.
You will need to have **Node installed** on your computer and give it **permission to run**.
### Last comments
./manager last [number of elements]
./manager last 3
### Take all comments by thread
./manager get [thread]
./manager get https://glosa.example/best-SO/
### Update the text of a comment
./manager update [id] [new message]
./manager update 1234 'I love your article.'
### Delete a comment
./manager delete [id]
./manager delete 1234
## Deployment
With Nginx it's pretty quick and easy. You can use it as a reverse proxy, since Glosa contains its own web server (Jetty). You can see an example of configuration that can be useful.
### Nginx
server {
access_log /var/log/glosa_access.log;
error_log /var/log/glosa_error.log;
location / {
proxy_pass http://localhost:4000/;
proxy_set_header Host $http_host;
proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-For $proxy_add_x_forwarded_for;
proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-Proto $scheme;
proxy_redirect off;
### Systemctl
To create a service in Linux is done like any application in Java. Below you can see an example.
Create a file in the following path: `/etc/systemd/system/glosa.service`
Add the content.
ExecStart=java -jar glosa.jar
Finally enable and start the service.
sudo systemctl enable glosa
sudo systemctl start glosa
## Create your own JAR
1) Make sure you have **openjdk** or **oracle-jdk** installed, **clojure** and **leiningen**.
### MacOS
brew install openjdk clojure leiningen
### Debian/Ubuntu
sudo apt install default-jdk clojure leiningen
2) Clone the repository and enter the generated folder.
git clone
cd glosa-server
3) Run the following command to build a `jar` file.
`lein uberjar`
After this two files should be created in `target/`. We will use the standalone version: `glosa-{version}-standalone.jar`.
## Dev tools
It needs to be executed at the root of the project and have `Leiningen` installed.
### Lint
It checks linguistically and syntaxically if the code is correct.
make lint
### Build
Build a JAR ready to distribute.
make build
### Deploy
Distributed in Clojars.
make deploy
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