Open source pastebin. (This is a fork with extended maintenance).
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This is a continued version of hastebin server with extended development, developed alone by zneix.
Original developer abandoned this amazing project and due to pile of unmerged Pull Requests and several security issues with outdated dependencies I decided to rewrite whole project in JavaScript ES6.
This version is heavily changed, meaning there will be breaking changes in your config if you were running outdated upstream version.
Haste is an open-source pastebin software written in Node.JS, which is easily installable in any network.
It can be backed by either redis or filesystem and has a very easy adapter interface for other storage systems.
A publicly available version can be found at
Major design objectives:
I also rewrote Command Line utility haste-client, which can do things like:
cat file | haste
it outputs URL to a paste containing contents of file
. Check repo for more details.
Full installation and config instructions can be found in docs
Project continued by zneix
Original Code by John Crepezzi
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Pasty is a fast and lightweight code pasting server.
Simple, fast, feature-rich, standalone pastebin service.
Perl based pastebin.
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