A dead simple static homepage to expose your server services, with an easy yaml configuration and connectivity check.
Deploy this app to Linode with a free $100 credit!
configuration file.
Demo • Chat • Getting started
## Table of Contents - [Features](#features) - [Getting started](#getting-started) - [Configuration](docs/configuration.md) - [Custom services](docs/customservices.md) - [Tips & tricks](docs/tips-and-tricks.md) - [Development](docs/development.md) - [Troubleshooting](docs/troubleshooting.md) ## Features - [yaml](http://yaml.org/) file configuration - Installable (pwa) - Search - Grouping - Theme customization - Offline health check - keyboard shortcuts: - `/` Start searching. - `Escape` Stop searching. - `Enter` Open the first matching result (respects the bookmark's `_target` property). - `Alt`/`Option` + `Enter` Open the first matching result in a new tab. ## Getting started Homer is a full static html/js dashboard, based on a simple yaml configuration file. See [documentation](docs/configuration.md) for information about the configuration (`assets/config.yml`) options. It's meant to be served by an HTTP server, **it will not work if you open the index.html directly over file:// protocol**. ### Using docker
docker run -d \
-p 8080:8080 \
-v </your/local/assets/>:/www/assets \
--restart=always \
The container will run using a user uid and gid 1000. Add `--user cd /path/to/docker-compose.yml/
docker-compose up -d
### Using the release tarball (prebuilt, ready to use)
Download and extract the latest release (`homer.zip`) from the [release page](https://github.com/bastienwirtz/homer/releases), rename the `assets/config.yml.dist` file to `assets/config.yml`, and put it behind a web server.
wget https://github.com/bastienwirtz/homer/releases/latest/download/homer.zip
unzip homer.zip
cd homer
cp assets/config.yml.dist assets/config.yml
npx serve # or python -m http.server 8010 or apache, nginx ...
### Using Helm
Thanks to [@djjudas21](https://github.com/djjudas21) [charts](https://github.com/djjudas21/charts/tree/main/charts/homer):
helm repo add djjudas21 https://djjudas21.github.io/charts/
helm repo update djjudas21
# install with all defaults
helm install homer djjudas21/homer
# install with customisations
wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/djjudas21/charts/main/charts/homer/values.yaml
# edit values.yaml
helm install homer djjudas21/homer -f values.yaml
### Build manually
# Using yarn (recommended)
yarn install
yarn build
# **OR** Using npm
npm install
npm run build
Then your dashboard is ready to use in the `/dist` directory.Please login to review this project.
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