Simple, easy-to-set-up Git web viewer that Just Works.
Deploy this app to RackNerd for $0.99/mo only!
|travis-badge| |gitter-badge|
.. |travis-badge| image:: :target:
.. |gitter-badge| image:: :alt: Join the chat at :target:
(If it doesn't Just Work for you, please file a bug.)
:Demo: :Mailing list: :On PyPI: :Wiki: :License: ISC (BSD)
The easiest way to get started. We maintain a Docker image that has syntax highlighting, Markdown rendering, code navigation, etc. pre-configured::
docker run -v /path/to/your/repos:/repos \ -p 7777:80 \ -it jonashaag/klaus:latest \ klaus --host --port 80 /repos/repo1 /repos/repo2 ...
(Replace /path/to/your/repos
with the folder that contains your Git repositories on the Docker host. You can also pass in multiple -v
arguments if your repos are in multiple folders on the host.)
Go to http://localhost:7777 on the Docker host et voilà!
The command line above simply runs the klaus
script -- for usage details, see the "Using the klaus
script" section below.
pip install klaus
(Optional dependencies: see Markup rendering <>
_ in the wiki.)
See also: Klaus wiki <>
Using the klaus
NOTE: This is intended for testing/low-traffic local installations only!
The klaus
script uses wsgiref_ internally which doesn't scale at all
(in fact it's single-threaded and non-asynchronous).
To run klaus using the default options:
.. code-block:: bash
# With Docker: docker run ... jonashaag/klaus:latest klaus [repo1 [repo2 ...]] # Local setup: klaus [repo1 [repo2 ...]]
For more options, see:
.. code-block:: bash
# With Docker:
docker run ... jonashaag/klaus:latest klaus --help # Local setup: klaus --help
Using a real server
The klaus
module contains a make_app
function which returns a WSGI app.
An example WSGI helper script is provided with klaus (see klaus/contrib/
configuration being read from environment variables. Use it like this (uWSGI example)::
uwsgi -w klaus.contrib.wsgi \ --env KLAUS_SITE_NAME="Klaus Demo" \ --env KLAUS_REPOS="/path/to/repo1 /path/to/repo2 ..." \ ...
Gunicorn example::
gunicorn --env KLAUS_SITE_NAME="Klaus Demo" \ --env KLAUS_REPOS="/path/to/repo1 /path/to/repo2 ..." \ klaus.contrib.wsgi
The Docker image also has uwsgi preinstalled::
docker run ... jonashaag/klaus:latest uwsgi ...
See also deployment section in the wiki <>
.. _wsgiref:
Please do it!
I'm equally happy with bug reports/feature ideas and code contributions. If you have any questions/issues, I'm happy to help!
For starters, here are a few ideas what to work on. <>
_ :-)
|img1| |img2| |img3|_
.. |img1| image:: .. |img2| image:: .. |img3| image::
.. _img1: .. _img2: .. _img3:
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