Your open source platform for peoples driven local food markets and CSA.
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composer install
in project root directory or from inside vagrantphp artisan key:generate
.We're using elixir, just run npm run watch
in terminal. Before deploying run npm run production
php artisan migrate --database='phpunit' php artisan db:seed --database='phpunit'
with valet domain org
(not sure this is needed)../ngrok http -region=eu localfoodnodes.test:80
. If you're using Laragon on Windows (or other environments) use ngrok http -region=eu -host-header=localfoodnodes.test localfoodnodes.test:80
.There are multiple API's in use.
Public API serves data to JS components on the site.
The private API uses passport auth
An Open API with calculated/aggregated data
Create notification "event" on "new order and new product" On cron, create notifications per user
Hur veta när en notifikaiton är skickad?
Create: when new product is created
Send: Direct
Send to: Users that follow a node
Create: when order is placed
Send: Direct
Send to: User, producer, node admin
Create: Same as order
Send: 12h before, 1h before
Send to: User with orders
Create: Dynamic
Send: 3 days before
Send to: User that follow a node
The amount of different products you can create on Local Food Nodes makes the stock/card/order logic complete.
Product with without stock (unlimited stock).
User can any number to the cart. No validation is needed.
Producer creates a product with stock and sets the quantity to 5. The product has a total of 5 available. Producer makes product available delivery dates for both node #1 and node #2.
Producer creates a product with the stock quantity of 5 and selects that it is a recurring product. Recurring means that the product now has 5 available for every delivery date on every node. Product now has a flexible stock which means that the stock quantity can be adjusted separately for each delivery date.
Producer creates a product with 5 in stock and checks both recurring and CSA. Producer makes product available on 10 delivery dates for node #1 and 8 dates on node #2. Product has a total of 5 available and every product is booked on all delivery dates for selected node.
Producer creates a product with two variants.
Davids notes: Gör: Skapar en produkt som har saldo (stock) och två varianter, första och andra. Händer: Varje variantsaldo sätts individuellt. Gör: Ändrat till recurring. Händer: Nu kan varje saldo även ändras per utlämningsdatum. Gör: Ändrar till shared variant stock Händer: Alla variantsaldon blir uträknade utifrån huvudvarianten. Endast main-varianten kan ändras per utlämningsdatum, övriga blir uträknade. Gör: Tar bort recurring Händer: Nu kan alla saldon ändras per utlämningsdatum
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