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In category: Ticketing

About MantisBT

Self hosted bug tracker, fits best for software development.

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  •  Latest commit: Feb 12, 2023  

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More about MantisBT

Mantis Bug Tracker (MantisBT)

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Screenshot of View Issues page

Screenshot of My View page

Screenshot of View Issue Details page


For complete documentation, please read the administration guide included with this release in the doc/ directory. The guide is available in text, PDF, and HTML formats.


  • MySQL 5.5.35+, PostgreSQL 9.2+, or other supported database
  • PHP 7.0.0+
  • a webserver (e.g. Apache or IIS)

Please refer to section 2.2 in the administration guide for further details.


  • Extract the tarball into a location readable by your web server
  • Point your browser to http://path/to/mantisbt/admin/check/index.php to ensure that your webserver is compatible with MantisBT and configured correctly
  • Point your browser to http://path/to/mantisbt/admin/install.php to begin the database installation process
  • Select the database type and enter the credentials to access the database
  • Click install/upgrade
  • Installation is complete -- you may need to copy the default configuration to mantisbt/config/config_inc.php if your web server does not have write access
  • Remove the admin/ directory from within the MantisBT installation path. The scripts within this directory should not be accessible on a live MantisBT site or on any installation that is accessible via the Internet.


  • Backup your existing installation and database -- really!
  • Extract the tarball into a clean directory; do not extract into an existing installation, as some files have been moved or deleted between releases
  • Copy your configuration from the old installation to the new directory, including config_inc.php, custom_strings_inc.php, custom_relationships_inc.php, custom_functions_inc.php and custom_constants_inc.php if they exist
  • Point your browser to http://path/to/mantisbt/admin/check/index.php to ensure that your webserver is compatible with MantisBT and configured correctly
  • Point your browser to http://path/to/mantisbt/admin/install.php to upgrade the database schema
  • Click install/upgrade
  • Remove the admin/ directory from within the MantisBT installation path. The scripts within this directory should not be accessible on a live MantisBT site or on any installation that is accessible via the Internet.
  • Upgrading is complete


This file contains information to help you customize MantisBT. A more detailed doc can be found at

  • config_defaults_inc.php
  • this file contains the default values for all the site-wide variables.
  • config/config_inc.php
  • You should use this file to change config variable values. Your values from this file will be used instead of the defaults. This file will not be overwritten when you upgrade, but config_defaults_inc.php will. Look at config/config_inc.php.sample for an example.

  • core/*_api.php - these files contains all the API library functions.

  • global variables are prefixed by g_

  • parameters in functions are prefixed with p_ -- parameters shouldn't be modified within the function.
  • form variables are prefixed with f_
  • variables that have been cleaned for db insertiong are prefixed with c_
  • temporary variables are prefixed with t_.
  • count variables have the word count in the variable name

More detail can be seen in the coding guidelines at:

  • The files are split into three basic categories, viewable pages, include files and pure scripts. Examining the viewable pages (suffix _page) should make the basic file format fairly easy to see. The file names themselves should make their purpose apparent. The approach used is to break the work into many small files rather than have a small number of really large files.

  • Most of the action scripts have a confirmation page to make sure the action completed successfully. The pages will automatically redirect you after a short amount of time. You can shorten of lengthen the time by editing $g_default_redirect_delay in config_inc.php.

  • You can set $g_top_include_page and $g_bottom_include_page to alter what should be visible at the top and bottom of each page.

  • All files were edited with TAB SPACES set to 4.

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