Fully featured online storage solution, upload/download files, photo/video viewer, and more, all through the web client.
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MyDrive is an Open Source cloud file storage server (Similar To Google Drive). Host myDrive on your own server or trusted platform and then access myDrive through your web browser. MyDrive uses mongoDB to store file/folder metadata, and supports multiple databases to store the file chunks, such as Amazon S3, the Filesystem, or just MongoDB. MyDrive is built using Node.js, and Typescript. The service now even supports Docker images!
Go to the main myDrive website for more infomation, screenshots, and more.
Required: - Node.js (15 Recommended) - MongoDB (Unless using a service like Atlas)
Windows users will usually need both the microsoft visual build tools, and python 2. These are required to build the sharp module: - Visual Tools: http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=691126 - Python 2: https://www.python.org/downloads/release/python-2717/
Linux users will need to make sure they have 'build-essential' installed:
sudo apt-get install build-essential
Install Node Modules
npm install
Run the build command
npm run build
Create Environment Variables: Easily create enviroment variables with the built in command. This command will start a server where you can type in the enviroment variables through a webUI on your browser.
npm run setup
Rebuild the project after entering enviroment variables
npm run build
(Optional) Create the MongoDB indexes, this increases performance. MongoDB must be running for this command to work.
npm run create-indexes-database
Start the server
npm run start
MyDrive will first host a server on http://localhost:3000 in order to safely get the encryption key, just navigate to this URL in a browser, and enter the encryption key. You can access this URL through your IP address also, but localhost is recommended to avoid man in the middle attacks.
If you're using a service like SSH or a Droplet, you can forward the localhost connection safely like so:
ssh -L localhost:3000:localhost:3000 username@ip_address
Note: You can also disable using the webUI for the encryption key by providing a key in the server environment variables (e.g. KEY=password), but this is not recommended because it greatly reduces security.
MyDrive has built in Docker support, there are two options when using Docker, users can either use the Docker image that has MongoDB built in, or use the Docker image that just has the MyDrive image (If you're using a service like Atlas).
Create the Docker environment variables by running the 'npm run setup' command as seen in the installation section. Or by manually creating the file (e.g. docker-variables.env on the root of the project, see the environment section for more infomation).
Docker with mongoDB image:
docker-compose build
Docker without mongoDB image:
docker-compose -f docker-compose-no-mongo.yml build
Start the Docker Image:
docker-compose up
If you are running a previous version of myDrive such as myDrive 2 you must perform the following steps before you will be able to run myDrive properly. An easy way to tell if you are running a previous version of myDrive is checking if you have the old UI/look of myDrive 2. If your home page looks different than the myDrive 3 design you are most likely running myDrive 2.
First I recommend creating a new folder for myDrive 3, so just incase you are having difficulties with myDrive 3 you can easily revert to myDrive 2.
After you install the node modules, run setup, and build the project. You can then run the script to clear all the authentication tokens from all the users. This is because the Schema for tokens has changed, this will cause all users to have to log back in.
Run the following command:
Remove old tokens
npm run remove-tokens
If successful you should see in the terminal the number of users that has their tokens removed, if you run into any errors check your environment variables and make sure the project is built properly.
Modern and colorful design
Upload Files
Download Files
Image Viewer
Video Viewer
Image Thumbnails
Share Files
Search For Files/Folders
Move File/Folders
Google Drive Support
You can easily create environment variables using the built in setup tool 'npm run setup', or manually create the files.
Create a config folder on the root of the project, and create a file with the name prod.env for the server. For the client variables create a .env.production file in the root of the project.
Docker: If you're using Docker, instead create a file named 'docker-variables.env' on the root of the project. You must also include DOCKER=true in the servers environment variables.
Server Environment Variables:
Client Environment Variables
For a more detailed setup guide please visit the main myDrive site: https://mydrive-storage.com/
The wiki includes guided setup: https://github.com/subnub/myDrive/wiki
I created a short YouTube video, showing off myDrives design and features: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_bcADP6hDDI&feature=youtu.be
Demo: https://mydrive-3.herokuapp.com/ - Note: The Upload and Download Features, and other core features, are disabled in the demo.
Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/subnub
Contact Email: kyle.hoell@gmail.com
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