Multichannel notification server with support for Email, Mobile Push, Web Push, SMS, messaging and a javascript plugin.
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Notifo is a multi-channel notification service for collaboration tools, e-commerce, news, magazines and everybody who wants to notify their users.
. It is your job to provide a good UI for that.clothes/shoes/nike/<model>
.This allows a wide range of scenarios:
* In a task management system you can automatically subscribe users to a project, e.g. project/123
and use a notification preference to only send web notifiations or web push notifications. When a user manually subscribes to a specific task, e.g. project/123/tasks/abc
you can create this subscription with a preference to send out emails as well.
Have a look to the presentation to understand how it works.
Before you install it, try it out at
docker images are available:, you can try the docker-compose file.
Read more about the intallation in the wiki.
Have a look to the settings for all configuration options: appsettings.json. Everything in the settings can be configured using environment variables.
The following setting
"mongoDB": {
"connectionString": "mongodb://localhost",
is mapped to the enviornment variable MONGODB__CONNECTIONSTRING
(note the double underscore).
Read more about configuration in the wiki.
Notifo uses the following technologies.
It was originally developed for Squidex Headless CMS (, it is also used in a few other commercial applications in a testing stage.
Currently it is still in Beta and some features such as Mobile Push and Emails are not used in production yet.
There is still a lot to do:
Notifo is sponsored and used by the following companies.
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