Multimodal trip planning software based on OpenStreetMap data and consuming published GTFS-formatted data to suggest routes using local public transit systems.
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OpenTripPlanner (OTP) is an open source multi-modal trip planner, focusing on travel by scheduled public transportation in combination with bicycling, walking, and mobility services including bike share and ride hailing. Its server component runs on any platform with a Java virtual machine ( including Linux, Mac, and Windows). It exposes REST and GraphQL APIs that can be accessed by various clients including open source Javascript components and native mobile applications. It builds its representation of the transportation network from open data in open standard file formats (primarily GTFS and OpenStreetMap). It applies real-time updates and alerts with immediate visibility to clients, finding itineraries that account for disruptions and service changes.
Note that this branch contains OpenTripPlanner 2, the second major version of OTP, which has been under development since Q2 2018. The latest version of OTP is v2.2.0, released in November 2022.
If you do not want to test or explore this version, please switch to the final 1.x release
tag v1.5.0
or the dev-1.x
branch for any patches and bugfixes applied to the v1.5.0 release.
We run a speed test (included in the code) to measure the performance for every PR merged into OTP.
More information about how to set up and run it.
The main Java server code is in src/main/
. OTP also includes a Javascript client based on the
Leaflet mapping library in src/client/
. This client is now primarily used for testing, with most
major deployments building custom clients from reusable components. The Maven build produces a
unified ("shaded") JAR file at target/otp-VERSION.jar
containing all necessary code and
dependencies to run OpenTripPlanner.
Additional information and instructions are available in the main documentation, including a quick introduction.
OpenTripPlanner is a collaborative project incorporating code, translation, and documentation from contributors around the world. We welcome new contributions. Further development guidelines can be found in the documentation.
The OpenTripPlanner project was launched by Portland, Oregon's transport agency TriMet ( in July of 2009. As of this writing in Q3 2020, it has been in development for over ten years. See the main documentation for an overview of OTP history and a list of cities and regions using OTP around the world.
The fastest way to get help is to use our Gitter chat room where most of the core developers are. You can also send questions and comments to the mailing list.
Changes and extensions to OTP are debated in issues on GitHub and in the Gitter chat room. More general questions and announcements of interest to non-developer OTP users should be directed to the opentripplanner-users list. Other details of project governance can be found in the main documentation.
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