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In category: Task Management & To-do Lists

About Restyaboard

Open source Trello-like kanban board.

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More about Restyaboard


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What is Restyaboard?

Trello like kanban board. Tasks, to-dos, chat, etc., Restyaboard is based on Restya platform with dual License (OSL 3.0 & Commercial License).

Whether you’re creating a personal todo list, planning your holidays with some friends, or working in a team on your next revolutionary concept, Restyaboard is an simple and effective tool to keep your tasks organized. The boards of restyaboard will give you a visual overview of the current state of your projects, and make you productive by allowing you to focus on the few items that matter the most.

Why use Restyaboard?

Since Restyaboard is free software, you don’t have to give us your data and you can install the Restyaboard on your own internal server. You can also increase your productivity even more by reducing the time of managing the projects with the help of the Restyaboard plugin which is available in RestyaPlatform.

For Free Installation, contact us

Status: Active

  • Project is active! Follow development in dev branch
  • Upcoming milestone





To upgrade, overwrite application files and apply respective DB script:

To upgrade in linux run the following commands. Overwrite All, when prompted by script:

sudo wget –no-check-certificate sudo ./

Configuring Restyaboard

  • Login using username admin, password restya
  • If installed via Amazon AMI, then login using the username admin and the instance_id of the instance as the password
  • Visit admin panel at /#/settings/6
  • Update Dropbox App Key by visiting
  • Update Flickr API Key by visiting
  • Update Unsplash API Key by visiting
  • Visit /#/settings/3 for configuring site name, email and server timezone.
  • Change admin email and password
  • To add/reply cards via email, visit /#/settings/10 to configure IMAP settings

NGINX Rate Limiting Configuration

Diagnose Configuration


Docker configuration

In the container you can set following variables:

Variable Description Default
POSTGRES_HOST The host address of postgres. postgres
POSTGRES_PORT The port of the postgres host. 5432
POSTGRES_ADMIN_USER An admin user in postgres. (Needed for creating restya user and extensions.)
POSTGRES_ADMIN_PASS The password of the admin postgres user.
RESTYA_DB_USERNAME The desired restya db user which has access to the restya database.
RESTYA_DB_USERPASS The restya db user password.
RESTYA_DB Name of the database for restya. restyaboard
SMTP_SERVER Address of the SMTP server. smtp_relay
SMTP_PORT Port of the SMTP server. 587
TZ Used timezone inside container. Etc/UTC


The docker container creates necessary restyaboard user and relations in postgres during startup. Therefore it checks if the RESTYA_DB database already exists. If it exists it skips the init step for database.

This means if you setup the database on your own you have also to make sure that all relations and users will be added.

Current Status / Plans / Roadmap

To give you some idea about of our plans:

Under release

  • Sandstorm support for Installation
  • In notification emails, Gmail Action Button "View on Restyaboard"
  • GitHub issues & enhancements etc.,


  • Undisclosed domain centric plugins
  • Marketplace for ecosystem
  • Allow developers to make money
  • Apps listing platform
  • Find apps easily

FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions)

Do you have any installation instructions for Windows?

Please find in Restyaboard Install in Windows document. If you face any issue, please feel free to open a ticket

Do you have any installation instructions for Apache?

Please check Restyaboard Install in Apache

Getting blank page after install

Most likely it is related to your DB credentials. Please check the install log and see if your setup was complete without any errors.

How can I contribute to Restyaboard translation?

Please translate Restyaboard via transifex


Our approach is similar to Magento. If anything is not clear, please contact us.

All Submissions you make to Restya through GitHub are subject to the following terms and conditions:

  • You grant Restya a perpetual, worldwide, non-exclusive, no charge, royalty free, irrevocable license under your applicable copyrights and patents to reproduce, prepare derivative works of, display, publicly perform, sublicense and distribute any feedback, ideas, code, or other information ("Submission") you submit through GitHub.
  • Your Submission is an original work of authorship and you are the owner or are legally entitled to grant the license stated above.


Required sofware: nginx, php-fpm (with mbstring), PostgreSQL, ElasticSearch, Grunt

  • grunt less - Converts LESS to CSS
  • grunt jst - Converts EJS to JS
  • grunt watch - Converts LESS to CSS and EJS to JS, automatically by "watching" for file changes
  • restyaboard_with_empty_data.sql - Database generation script
  • server/php/ - Database and other configurations
  • media, client/img, tmp/cache & server/php/shell/*.sh - Need write permission for php; can be chmod 655 or 755 or 777 depending upon server configuration
  • grunt build:live - Generates, deployable code. Replace your DB details in build/live.json.


Copyright (c) 2014-2019 Restya.

Dual License (OSL 3.0 & Commercial License)

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