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About s-cart

S-Cart is a free e-commerce website project for individuals and businesses, built on top of Laravel Framework.

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More about s-cart

Free open source e-commerce for business
composer create-project s-cart/s-cart

Home | Demo | Document | Document for Developer | API document | Features in S-Cart | Group FB

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About S-cart

S-Cart is the best free e-commerce website project for individuals and businesses, built on top of Laravel Framework and the latest technologies. Our goal is "Efficient and friendly for everyone": - Efficiency: Meet even the smallest requirements of customers. - Friendly: Easy to use, easy to maintain, easy to develop. - Everyone: Businesses, individuals, developers, students.


S-Cart functions:

💥S-Cart - FREE Laravel ecommerce for business💥:
- Build plugin packages HMVC
- Support to upgrade and patch S-Cart via command line
- Full document for dev and client
👉Full support for the functions of a professional sales website:
- Multi-language, multi-currency
- Multi-vendor
- Make cart, manage orders, manage products, manage customers...
- CMS news management: categories, news, news pages
- Plugin: Payment, shipping, discounts, taxes ...
- Plugin pro: multi-vendor, multi-store
- Online library: plugin, template
- API suppport and security for app, mobile
👉Powerful admin page:
- Roles, permission: admin, manager, maketing, ..
- Security with log full, access, auth, captcha ...
- Manage products, orders, customers ...
- Charts, statistics
- Backup, restore
- Activity log
- And many other functions.
Demo API: https://s-cart.org/en/developer/master/about-api-scart.html
👉Plugin pro:
- Multi-vendor: https://s-cart.org/en/multi-vendor.html
- Multi-store: https://s-cart.org/en/multi-store.html


Laravel core:

S-Cart 6.x

Core laravel framework 8.x

S-Cart 7.x

Core laravel framework 9.x

S-Cart 8.x

Core laravel framework 10.x


- PHP ^7.3|^8.0 (S-Cart 6.x)
- PHP ^8.0.2 (S-Cart 7.x)
- PHP ^8.1 (S-Cart 8.x)
- OpenSSL PHP Extension
- PDO PHP Extension
- Mbstring PHP Extension
- Tokenizer PHP Extension
- XML PHP Extension
- Ctype PHP Extension
- JSON PHP Extension
- BCMath PHP Extension

Installation & configuration:

How to map your domain to s-cart? CLICK HERE

Step1: Install last version S-cart

Option 1: From composer

composer create-project s-cart/s-cart

Option 2: From github

git clone https://github.com/s-cart/s-cart.git

Then, install vendor:

composer install

Step2: Set writable permissions for the following directories:

  • storage
  • vendor
  • public/data
  • bootstrap/cache
  • app/Plugins

Step3: Create database

- Create a new database. Example database name is "s-cart"

Step4: Install

Option 1: Install automatic

Access your-domain.com/install.php to install S-cart.
Then, remove or rename file public/install.php

Option 2: Manual installation

If installing with link "install.php" unsuccessful, you can install it manually below.

1: Create new database, then import file /vendor/s-cart/core/src/DB/s-cart-yyyy-mm-dd.sql to database.
2: Rename or delete file public/install.php
3: Copy file .env.example to .env if file .env not exist.
4: Generate API key if APP_KEY is null. 
- Use command "php artisan key:generate"
5: Generates the encryption keys
  Use command "php artisan passport:keys"
6: Config value of file .env:
- APP_DEBUG=false (Set "false" is security)
- DB_HOST= (Database host)
- DB_PORT=3306 (Database port)
- DB_DATABASE=s-cart (Database name)
- DB_USERNAME=root (User name use database)
- DB_PASSWORD= (Password connect to database)
- APP_URL=http://localhost (Your url)
- ADMIN_PREFIX=sc_admin (Path to admin)
- DB_PREFIX=sc_ (Must be "sc_" because it is fixed in the .sql file)

Step5: Install completed

  • Access to url admin: your-domain/sc_admin.
  • User/pass admin/admin

More detail for installation: HERE

Useful information:

To view S-Cart version information

php artisan sc:info

To update the core version of S-Cart:

composer update s-cart/core

Or you can use php composer.phar update s-cart/core if you don't have composer installed.

Then, run php artisan sc:update

To create a plugin:

php artisan sc:make plugin --name=Group\PluginName

To create a zip file plugin:

php artisan sc:make plugin --name=Group\PluginName --download=1

Detail: HERE

Library of free plugins for S-Cart: HERE

To create a template:

php artisan sc:make template --name=your-template-name

To create a zip file template:

php artisan sc:make template --name=your-template-name --download=1

To create data backup file (The sql file is stored in storage/backups):

php artisan sc:backup --path=abc.sql

To recover data:

php artisan sc:restore --path=abc.sql

To manually customize the admin page (resources/views/admin + config/admin.php):

php artisan sc:customize admin

This command will create new directories resources/views/admin and file config/admin.php After set the value customize=true in config/admin.php you can modify template admin.

To manually customize file config validation (config/validation.php):

php artisan sc:customize validation

More detail: https://s-cart.org/en/docs/master

Funding and supporting the project

Please visit the S-Cart

Security Vulnerabilities:

If you discover a security vulnerability within S-Cart ecommerce, please send an e-mail to Lanh Le via lanhktc@gmail.com. All security vulnerabilities will be promptly addressed.


S-Cart is licensed under The MIT License (MIT).


Plugins pro:

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