Open source serveo/ngrok alternative providing HTTP(S)/WS(S)/TCP tunnels to localhost using only SSH.
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An open source serveo/ngrok alternative.
Builds are made automatically for each commit to the repo and are pushed to Dockerhub. Builds are tagged using a commit sha,
branch name, tag, latest if released on main. You can find a list here.
Each release builds separate sish
binaries that can be downloaded from here for various OS/archs. Feel free to either use the automated binaries or to build your own. If you submit a PR, images are
not built by default and will require a retag from a maintainer to be built.
docker pull antoniomika/sish:latest
Run the image
docker run -itd --name sish \
-v ~/sish/ssl:/ssl \
-v ~/sish/keys:/keys \
-v ~/sish/pubkeys:/pubkeys \
--net=host antoniomika/sish:latest \
--ssh-address=:22 \
--http-address=:80 \
--https-address=:443 \
--https=true \
--https-certificate-directory=/ssl \
--authentication-keys-directory=/pubkeys \
--private-keys-directory=/keys \
SSH to your host to communicate with sish
ssh -p 2222 -R 80:localhost:8080
You can also use Docker Compose to setup your sish instance. This includes taking care of SSL via Let's Encrypt for you. This uses the adferrand/dnsrobocert container to handle issuing wildcard certifications over DNS. For more information on how to use this, head to that link above. Generally, you can deploy your service like so:
docker-compose -f deploy/docker-compose.yml up -d
The domain and DNS auth info in deploy/docker-compose.yml
and deploy/le-config.yml
should be updated
to reflect your needs. You will also need to create a symlink that points to your domain's
Let's Encrypt certificates like:
ln -s /etc/letsencrypt/live/<your domain>/fullchain.pem deploy/ssl/<your domain>.crt
ln -s /etc/letsencrypt/live/<your domain>/privkey.pem deploy/ssl/<your domain>.key
Careful: the symlinks need to point to /etc/letsencrypt
, not a relative path. The symlinks will
not resolve on the host filesystem, but they will resolve inside of the sish container because it mounts
the letsencrypt files in /etc/letsencrypt, not ./letsencrypt.
I use these files in my deployment of
and have included them here for consistency.
There is a tutorial for creating an instance in Google Cloud Platform with sish fully setup that can be found here. It can be accessed through Google Cloud Shell.
SSH can normally forward local and remote ports. This service implements
an SSH server that only handles forwarding and nothing else. The service supports
multiplexing connections over HTTP/HTTPS with WebSocket support. Just assign a
remote port as port 80
to proxy HTTP traffic and 443
to proxy HTTPS traffic.
If you use any other remote port, the server will listen to the port for TCP connections,
but only if that port is available.
You can choose your own subdomain instead of relying on a randomly assigned one
by setting the --bind-random-subdomains
option to false
and then selecting a
subdomain by prepending it to the remote port specifier:
ssh -p 2222 -R foo:80:localhost:8080
If the selected subdomain is not taken, it will be assigned to your connection.
sish can forward any number of HTTP connections through SSH. It also provides logging the connections
to the connected client that has forwarded the connection and a web interface to see full request and
responses made to each forwarded connection. Each webinterface can be unique to the forwarded connection or
use a unified access token. To make use of HTTP forwarding, ports [80, 443]
are used to tell sish that a
HTTP connection is being forwarded and that HTTP virtualhosting should be defined for the service. For
example, let's say I'm
developing a HTTP webservice on my laptop at port 8080
that uses websockets and I want to show one of my
coworkers who is not near me. I can forward the connection like so:
ssh -R hereiam:80:localhost:8080
And then share the link
with my coworker. They should be able to access the service
seamlessly over HTTPS, with full websocket support working fine. Let's say
isn't available,
then sish will generate a random subdomain and give that to me.
Any TCP based service can be used with sish for TCP and alias forwarding. TCP forwarding
will establish a remote port on the server that you deploy sish to and will forward all connections
to that port through the SSH connection and to your local device. For example, if I was to run
a SSH server on my laptop with port 22
and want to be able to access it from anywhere at
I can use an SSH command on my laptop like so to forward the connection:
ssh -R 2222:localhost:22
I can use the forwarded connection to then access my laptop from anywhere:
ssh -p 2222
Sometimes, you may have multiple TCP services running on the same port. If these services support SNI, you can have sish route TLS connections to different backends based on the SNI name provided. For example, I have two webservices (servers) and I want to offload TLS to each without sish offloading SSL. This can be achieved by disabling sish's internal HTTPS service (you won't be able to use the service console for this however). Then, I can start a ssh connection from each server like so:
From server A
ssh -R sni-proxy=true
From server B
ssh -R sni-proxy=true
As long as server{a,b} points to where sish is hosted and a user can bind those hosts, TLS connections to will be forwarded to server A and TLS connections to will be forwarded to server B. It is then up to each server to complete the TLS handshake and the subsequent request.
Let's say instead I don't want the service to be accessible by the rest of the world, you can then use a TCP
alias. A TCP alias is a type of forwarded TCP connection that only exists inside of sish. You can gain access
to the alias by using SSH with the -W
flag, which will forwarding the SSH process' stdin/stdout to the
fowarded TCP connection. In combination with authentication, this will guarantee your remote service is safe
from the rest of the world because you need to login to sish before you can access it. Changing the example
above for this would mean running the following command on my laptop:
ssh -R mylaptop:22:localhost:22
sish won't publish port 22 or 2222 to the rest of the world anymore, instead it'll retain a pointer saying
that TCP connections made from within SSH after a user has authenticated to mylaptop:22
should be
forwarded to the forwarded TCP tunnel. Then I can use the forwarded connection access my laptop from
anywhere using:
ssh -o ProxyCommand="ssh -W %h:%p" mylaptop
Shorthand for which is this with newer SSH versions:
ssh -J mylaptop
You can also use TCP aliases with any port you would like. If for example you wanted to use an alias
with port 80
or 443
(default to a HTTP tunnel), provide the command tcp-alias=true
to the ssh command:
ssh -R service:80:localhost:80 tcp-alias=true
Aliases can be accessed on a different computer using SSH local forwards also. For the above, I could use:
ssh -L 80:service:80
to then access the forwarded server service at localhost:80
on the client side of the computer I am on.
If you want to use this service privately, it supports both public key and password
authentication. To enable authentication, set --authentication=true
as one of your CLI
options and be sure to configure --authentication-password
or --authentication-keys-directory
to your
liking. The directory provided by --authentication-keys-directory
is watched for changes and will reload
the authorized keys automatically. The authorized cert index is regenerated on directory
modification, so removed public keys will also automatically be removed. Files in this
directory can either be single key per file, or multiple keys per file separated by newlines,
similar to authorized_keys
. Password auth can be disabled by setting --authentication-password=""
as a
CLI option.
One of my favorite ways of using this for authentication is like so:
sish@sish0:~/sish/pubkeys# curl > antoniomika
This will load my public keys from GitHub, place them in the directory that sish is watching, and then load the pubkey. As soon as this command is run, I can SSH normally and it will authorize me.
sish supports allowing users to bring custom domains to the service, but SSH key auth is required to be
enabled. To use this feature, you must setup TXT and CNAME/A records for the domain/subdomain you would
like to use for your forwarded connection. The CNAME/A record must point to the domain or IP that is hosting
sish. The TXT record must be be a key=val
string that looks like:
is the fingerprint of the key used for logging into the server. You can set
multiple TXT records and sish will check all of them to ensure at least one is a match. You can retrieve
your key fingerprint by running:
ssh-keygen -lf ~/.ssh/id_rsa | awk '{print $2}'
If you trust the users connecting to sish and would like to allow any domain to be used with sish
(bypassing verification), there are a few added flags to aid in this. This is especially useful when
adding multiple wildcard certificates to sish in order to not need to automatically provision Let's
Encrypt certs. To disable verfication, set --bind-any-host=true
, which will allow and subdomain/domain
combination to be used. To only allow subdomains of a certain subset of domains, you can set --bind-hosts
to a comma separated list of domains that are allowed to be bound.
To add certficates for sish to use, configure the --https-certificate-directory
flag to point to a dir
that is accessible by sish. In the directory, sish will look for a combination of files that look like
and name.key
. name
can be arbitrary in either case, it just needs to be unique to the cert
and key pair to allow them to be loaded into sish.
sish can load balance any type of forwarded connection, but this needs to be enabled when starting sish
using the --http-load-balancer
, and --alias-load-balancer
flags. Let's say you have a few edge nodes
(raspberry pis) that are running a service internally but you want to be able to balance load across these
devices from the outside world. By enabling load balancing in sish, this happens automatically when a
device with the same forwarded TCP port, alias, or HTTP subdomain connects to sish. Connections will then be
evenly distributed to whatever nodes are connected to sish that match the forwarded connection.
Whitelisting IP ranges or countries is also possible. Whole CIDR ranges can be
specified with the --whitelisted-ips
option that accepts a comma-separated
string like ",". If you want to whitelist a single
IP, use the /32
To whitelist countries, use --whitelisted-countries
with a comma-separated
string of countries in ISO format (for example, "pt" for Portugal). You'll also
need to set --geodb
to true
To use sish, you need to add a wildcard DNS record that is used for multiplexed subdomains.
Adding an A
record with *
as the subdomain to the IP address of your server is the simplest way to achieve this configuration.
v2 introduces only a few breaking changes, namely around authentication. v2 enables authentication by default. If you were
an authenticated instance before, be sure to set --authentication
accordingly. v2 also brings support for multiple
SSH host private keys, which allows you to use different encryption schemes. This changed the --private-key-location
. Keys generated or previously used in sish will work as normal, just be sure to update this
argument if it was changed from the default.
There are numerous breaking changes in sish between pre-1.0 and post-1.0 versions. The largest changes are found in the mapping of command flags and configuration params. Those have changed drastically, but it should be easy to find the new counterpart. The other change is SSH keys that are supported for host key auth. sish continues to support most modern keys, but by default if a host key is not found, it will create an OpenSSH ED25519 key to use. Previous versions of sish would aes encrypt the pem block of this private key, but we have since moved to using the native OpenSSH private key format to allow for easy interop between OpenSSH tools. For this reason, you will either have to manually convert an AES encrypted key or generate a new one.
sish is a command line utility that implements an SSH server that can handle HTTP(S)/WS(S)/TCP multiplexing, forwarding and load balancing.
It can handle multiple vhosting and reverse tunneling endpoints for a large number of clients.
sish [flags]
--admin-console Enable the admin console accessible at http(s)://domain/_sish/console?x-authorization=admin-console-token
-j, --admin-console-token string The token to use for admin console access if it's enabled
--alias-load-balancer Enable the alias load balancer (multiple clients can bind the same alias)
--append-user-to-subdomain Append the SSH user to the subdomain. This is useful in multitenant environments
--append-user-to-subdomain-separator string The token to use for separating username and subdomain selection in a virtualhost (default "-")
--authentication Require authentication for the SSH service (default true)
--authentication-key-request-timeout duration Duration to wait for a response from the authentication key request (default 5s)
--authentication-key-request-url string A url to validate public keys for public key authentication.
sish will make an HTTP POST request to this URL with a JSON body containing an
OpenSSH 'authorized key' formatted public key, username,
and ip address. E.g.:
{"auth_key": string, "user": string, "remote_addr": string}
A response with status code 200 indicates approval of the auth key
-k, --authentication-keys-directory string Directory where public keys for public key authentication are stored.
sish will watch this directory and automatically load new keys and remove keys
from the authentication list (default "deploy/pubkeys/")
--authentication-keys-directory-watch-interval duration The interval to poll for filesystem changes for SSH keys (default 200ms)
-u, --authentication-password string Password to use for SSH server password authentication
--banned-aliases string A comma separated list of banned aliases that users are unable to bind
-o, --banned-countries string A comma separated list of banned countries. Applies to HTTP, TCP, and SSH connections
-x, --banned-ips string A comma separated list of banned ips that are unable to access the service. Applies to HTTP, TCP, and SSH connections
-b, --banned-subdomains string A comma separated list of banned subdomains that users are unable to bind (default "localhost")
--bind-any-host Allow binding any host when accepting an HTTP listener
--bind-hosts string A comma separated list of other hosts a user can bind. Requested hosts should be subdomains of a host in this list
--bind-http-auth Allow binding http auth on a forwarded host (default true)
--bind-http-path Allow binding specific paths on a forwarded host (default true)
--bind-random-aliases Force bound alias tunnels to use random aliases instead of user provided ones (default true)
--bind-random-aliases-length int The length of the random alias to generate if a alias is unavailable or if random aliases are enforced (default 3)
--bind-random-ports Force TCP tunnels to bind a random port, where the kernel will randomly assign it (default true)
--bind-random-subdomains Force bound HTTP tunnels to use random subdomains instead of user provided ones (default true)
--bind-random-subdomains-length int The length of the random subdomain to generate if a subdomain is unavailable or if random subdomains are enforced (default 3)
--bind-root-domain Allow binding the root domain when accepting an HTTP listener
--cleanup-unauthed Cleanup unauthed SSH connections after a set timeout (default true)
--cleanup-unauthed-timeout duration Duration to wait before cleaning up an unauthed connection (default 5s)
--cleanup-unbound Cleanup unbound (unforwarded) SSH connections after a set timeout
--cleanup-unbound-timeout duration Duration to wait before cleaning up an unbound (unforwarded) connection (default 5s)
-c, --config string Config file (default "config.yml")
--debug Enable debugging information
--debug-interval duration Duration to wait between each debug loop output if debug is true (default 2s)
-d, --domain string The root domain for HTTP(S) multiplexing that will be appended to subdomains (default "")
--force-requested-aliases Force the aliases used to be the one that is requested. Will fail the bind if it exists already
--force-requested-ports Force the ports used to be the one that is requested. Will fail the bind if it exists already
--force-requested-subdomains Force the subdomains used to be the one that is requested. Will fail the bind if it exists already
--force-tcp-address Force the address used for the TCP interface to be the one defined by --tcp-address
--geodb Use a geodb to verify country IP address association for IP filtering
-h, --help help for sish
-i, --http-address string The address to listen for HTTP connections (default "localhost:80")
--http-load-balancer Enable the HTTP load balancer (multiple clients can bind the same domain)
--http-port-override int The port to use for http command output. This does not affect ports used for connecting, it's for cosmetic use only
--http-request-port-override int The port to use for http requests. Will default to 80, then http-port-override. Otherwise will use this value
--https Listen for HTTPS connections. Requires a correct --https-certificate-directory
-t, --https-address string The address to listen for HTTPS connections (default "localhost:443")
-s, --https-certificate-directory string The directory containing HTTPS certificate files (name.crt and name.key). There can be many crt/key pairs (default "deploy/ssl/")
--https-certificate-directory-watch-interval duration The interval to poll for filesystem changes for HTTPS certificates (default 200ms)
--https-ondemand-certificate Enable retrieving certificates on demand via Let's Encrypt
--https-ondemand-certificate-accept-terms Accept the Let's Encrypt terms
--https-ondemand-certificate-email string The email to use with Let's Encrypt for cert notifications. Can be left blank
--https-port-override int The port to use for https command output. This does not affect ports used for connecting, it's for cosmetic use only
--https-request-port-override int The port to use for https requests. Will default to 443, then https-port-override. Otherwise will use this value
--idle-connection Enable connection idle timeouts for reads and writes (default true)
--idle-connection-timeout duration Duration to wait for activity before closing a connection for all reads and writes (default 5s)
--load-templates Load HTML templates. This is required for admin/service consoles (default true)
--load-templates-directory string The directory and glob parameter for templates that should be loaded (default "templates/*")
--localhost-as-all Enable forcing localhost to mean all interfaces for tcp listeners (default true)
--log-to-client Enable logging HTTP and TCP requests to the client
--log-to-file Enable writing log output to file, specified by log-to-file-path
--log-to-file-compress Enable compressing log output files
--log-to-file-max-age int The maxium number of days to store log output in a file (default 28)
--log-to-file-max-backups int The maxium number of rotated logs files to keep (default 3)
--log-to-file-max-size int The maximum size of outputed log files in megabytes (default 500)
--log-to-file-path string The file to write log output to (default "/tmp/sish.log")
--log-to-stdout Enable writing log output to stdout (default true)
--ping-client Send ping requests to the underlying SSH client.
This is useful to ensure that SSH connections are kept open or close cleanly (default true)
--ping-client-interval duration Duration representing an interval to ping a client to ensure it is up (default 5s)
--ping-client-timeout duration Duration to wait for activity before closing a connection after sending a ping to a client (default 5s)
-n, --port-bind-range string Ports or port ranges that sish will allow to be bound when a user attempts to use TCP forwarding (default "0,1024-65535")
-p, --private-key-passphrase string Passphrase to use to encrypt the server private key (default "S3Cr3tP4$$phrAsE")
-l, --private-keys-directory string The location of other SSH server private keys. sish will add these as valid auth methods for SSH. Note, these need to be unencrypted OR use the private-key-passphrase (default "deploy/keys")
--proxy-protocol Use the proxy-protocol while proxying connections in order to pass-on IP address and port information
--proxy-protocol-listener Use the proxy-protocol to resolve ip addresses from user connections
--proxy-protocol-policy string What to do with the proxy protocol header. Can be use, ignore, reject, or require (default "use")
--proxy-protocol-timeout duration The duration to wait for the proxy proto header (default 200ms)
--proxy-protocol-use-timeout Use a timeout for the proxy-protocol read
-q, --proxy-protocol-version string What version of the proxy protocol to use. Can either be 1, 2, or userdefined.
If userdefined, the user needs to add a command to SSH called proxyproto=version (ie proxyproto=1) (default "1")
--redirect-root Redirect the root domain to the location defined in --redirect-root-location (default true)
-r, --redirect-root-location string The location to redirect requests to the root domain
to instead of responding with a 404 (default "")
--rewrite-host-header Force rewrite the host header if the user provides (default true)
--service-console Enable the service console for each service and send the info to connected clients
--service-console-max-content-length int The max content length before we stop reading the response body (default -1)
-m, --service-console-token string The token to use for service console access. Auto generated if empty for each connected tunnel
--sni-load-balancer Enable the SNI load balancer (multiple clients can bind the same SNI domain/port)
--sni-proxy Enable the use of SNI proxying
--sni-proxy-https Enable the use of SNI proxying on the HTTPS port
-a, --ssh-address string The address to listen for SSH connections (default "localhost:2222")
--strip-http-path Strip the http path from the forward (default true)
--tcp-address string The address to listen for TCP connections
--tcp-aliases Enable the use of TCP aliasing
--tcp-load-balancer Enable the TCP load balancer (multiple clients can bind the same port)
--time-format string The time format to use for both HTTP and general log messages (default "2006/01/02 - 15:04:05")
--verify-dns Verify DNS information for hosts and ensure it matches a connecting users sha256 key fingerprint (default true)
--verify-ssl Verify SSL certificates made on proxied HTTP connections (default true)
-v, --version version for sish
-y, --whitelisted-countries string A comma separated list of whitelisted countries. Applies to HTTP, TCP, and SSH connections
-w, --whitelisted-ips string A comma separated list of whitelisted ips. Applies to HTTP, TCP, and SSH connections
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