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About Teeworlds

Open source 2D retro multiplayer shooter.

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  •  Latest commit: Mar 13, 2022  

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A retro multiplayer shooter

Teeworlds is a free online multiplayer game, available for all major operating systems. Battle with up to 16 players in a variety of game modes, including Team Deathmatch and Capture The Flag. You can even design your own maps!

This software is provided 'as-is', without any express or implied warranty. In no event will the authors be held liable for any damages arising from the use of this software. See license.txt for full license text including copyright information.

Please visit https://www.teeworlds.com/ for up-to-date information about the game, including new versions, custom maps and much more.

Originally written by Magnus Auvinen.

Teeworlds supports two build systems: CMake and bam.

Building on Linux or macOS (CMake)

Installing dependencies

# Debian/Ubuntu
sudo apt install build-essential cmake git libfreetype6-dev libsdl2-dev libpnglite-dev libwavpack-dev python3

# Fedora
sudo dnf install @development-tools cmake gcc-c++ git freetype-devel pnglite-devel python3 SDL2-devel wavpack-devel

# Arch Linux (doesn't have pnglite in its repositories)
sudo pacman -S --needed base-devel cmake freetype2 git python sdl2 wavpack

# macOS
brew install cmake freetype sdl2

Downloading repository

git clone https://github.com/teeworlds/teeworlds --recurse-submodules
cd teeworlds

# If you already cloned the repository before, use:
# git submodule update --init


mkdir -p build
cd build
cmake ..

On subsequent builds, you only have to repeat the make step.

You can then run the client with ./teeworlds and the server with ./teeworlds_srv.

Build options

The following options can be passed to the cmake .. command line (between the cmake and ..) in the "Building" step above.

-GNinja: Use the Ninja build system instead of Make. This automatically parallelizes the build and is generally faster. (Needs sudo apt install ninja-build on Debian, sudo dnf install ninja-build on Fedora, and sudo pacman -S --needed ninja on Arch Linux.)

-DDEV=ON: Enable debug mode and disable some release mechanics. This leads to faster builds.

-DCLIENT=OFF: Disable generation of the client target. Can be useful on headless servers which don't have graphics libraries like SDL2 installed.

Building on Linux or macOS (bam)

Installing dependencies

# Debian/Ubuntu 19.10+
sudo apt install bam git libfreetype6-dev libsdl2-dev libpnglite-dev libwavpack-dev python3

# Fedora
sudo dnf install bam gcc-c++ git freetype-devel pnglite-devel python3 SDL2-devel wavpack-devel

# Arch Linux (doesn't have pnglite in its repositories)
sudo pacman -S --needed base-devel bam freetype2 git python sdl2 wavpack

# macOS
brew install bam freetype sdl2

# other (add bam to your path)
git clone https://github.com/teeworlds/bam
cd bam

Downloading repository

git clone https://github.com/teeworlds/teeworlds --recurse-submodules
cd teeworlds

# If you already cloned the repository before, use:
# git submodule update --init



The compiled game is located in a sub-folder of build. You can run the client from there with ./teeworlds and the server with ./teeworlds_srv.

Build options

One of the following targets can be added to the bam command line: game (default), server, client, content, masterserver, tools.

The following options can also be added.

conf=release to build in release mode (defaults to conf=debug).

arch=x86 or arch=x86_64 to force select an architecture.

Building on Windows with Visual Studio & CMake

Download and install some version of Microsoft Visual Studio (as of writing, MSVS Community 2019) with the following components:

  • Desktop development with C++ (on the main page)
  • Python development (on the main page)
  • Git for Windows (in Individual Components → Code tools)

Run Visual Studio. Open the Team Explorer (View → Team Explorer, Ctrl+^, Ctrl+M). Click Clone (in the Team Explorer, Connect → Local Git Repositories). Enter https://github.com/teeworlds/teeworlds into the first input box. Wait for the download to complete (terminals might pop up).

Wait until the CMake configuration is done (watch the Output windows at the bottom).

Select teeworlds.exe in the Select Startup Item… combobox next to the green arrow. Wait for the compilation to finish.

For subsequent builds you only have to click the button with the green arrow again.

Building on Windows with MSVC build tools & bam

Download and install Microsoft C++ Build Tools and Python.

Download and unzip Teeworlds stable sources or Teeworlds latest sources.

Download and unzip bam to teeworlds-version\bam.

Run the x64 Native Tools Command Prompt (or x86 for 32-bit) from the start menu.

# Navigate to the Teeworlds source directory
cd ...\teeworlds-version

# Build bam (use make_win32_msvc.bat for 32-bit)
cd bam
copy bam ..
cd ..

# Build Teeworlds
bam conf=release

Use conf=debug to build the debug version instead. You can also provide a target after the bam command : game (default), server, client, content, masterserver, tools.

Building on Windows with MinGW & CMake

Download and install MinGW with at least the following components:

  • mingw-developer-toolkit-bin
  • mingw32-base-bin
  • mingw32-gcc-g++-bin
  • msys-base-bin

Also install Git (for downloading the source code), Python and CMake.

Open CMake ("CMake (cmake-gui)" in the start menu). Click "Browse Source" (first line) and select the directory with the Teeworlds source code. Next, click "Browse Build" and create a subdirectory for the build (e.g. called "build"). Then click "Configure". Select "MinGW Makefiles" as the generator and click "Finish". Wait a bit (until the progress bar is full). Then click "Generate".

You can now build Teeworlds by executing mingw32-make in the build directory.

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