Your self hosted YouTube media server: Subscribe, download, index, search and play your favorite videos.
Deploy this app to RackNerd for $0.99/mo only!
Depends on a proprietary service outside the user's control
Once your YouTube video collection grows, it becomes hard to search and find a specific video. That's where Tube Archivist comes in: By indexing your video collection with metadata from YouTube, you can organize, search and enjoy your archived YouTube videos without hassle offline through a convenient web interface. THis includes:
Subscribe to your favorite YouTube channels
* Download Videos using yt-dlp*
* Index and make videos searchable
* Play videos
* Keep track of viewed and unviewed videos
For minimal system requirements, the Tube Archivist stack needs around 2GB of available memory for a small testing setup and around 4GB of available memory for a mid to large sized installation. Minimal with dual core with 4 threads, better quad core plus. This project requires docker. Ensure it is installed and running on your system.
The documentation has additional user provided instructions for Unraid, Synology, Podman and True NAS.
The instructions here should get you up and running quickly, for Docker beginners and full explanation about each environment variable, see the docs.
Take a look at the example docker-compose.yml and configure the required environment variables.
| Environment Var | Value | |
| ----------- | ----------- | ----------- |
| TA_HOST | Server IP or hostname | Required |
| TA_USERNAME | Initial username when logging into TA | Required |
| TA_PASSWORD | Initial password when logging into TA | Required |
| ELASTIC_PASSWORD | Password for ElasticSearch | Required |
| REDIS_HOST | Hostname for Redis | Required |
| TZ | Set your timezone for the scheduler | Required |
| TA_PORT | Overwrite Nginx port | Optional |
| TA_UWSGI_PORT | Overwrite container internal uwsgi port | Optional |
| ES_URL | URL That ElasticSearch runs on | Optional |
| HOST_GID | Allow TA to own the video files instead of container user | Optional |
| HOST_UID | Allow TA to own the video files instead of container user | Optional |
| ELASTIC_USER | Change the default ElasticSearch user | Optional |
| REDIS_PORT | Port that Redis runs on | Optional |
| TA_LDAP | Configure TA to use LDAP Authentication | Read more |
| ENABLE_CAST | Enable casting support | Read more |
| DJANGO_DEBUG | Return additional error messages, for debug only | |
| Environment Var | Value | State |
| ----------- | ----------- | ----------- |
from TubeArchivist | Required |
| http.port | Change the port ElasticSearch runs on | Optional |
Always use the latest (the default) or a named semantic version tag for the docker images. The unstable tags are only for your testing environment, there might not be an update path for these testing builds.
You will see the current version number of Tube Archivist in the footer of the interface. There is a daily version check task querying, notifying you of any new releases in the footer. To take advantage of the latest fixes and improvements, make sure you are running the latest and greatest. After updating, check the footer to verify you are running the expected version.
to automatically get the recommended version. bestvideo[vcodec*=avc1]+bestaudio[acodec*=mp4a]/mp4
If you have a collision on port 8000
, best solution is to use dockers HOST_PORT and CONTAINER_PORT distinction: To for example change the interface to port 9000 use 9000:8000
in your docker-compose file.
For more information on port collisions, check the docs.
Here is a list of common errors and their solutions.
Elastic Search in Docker requires the kernel setting of the host machine vm.max_map_count
to be set to at least 262144.
To temporary set the value run:
sudo sysctl -w vm.max_map_count=262144
To apply the change permanently depends on your host operating system:
vm.max_map_count = 262144
to the file /etc/sysctl.conf
with the content vm.max_map_count = 262144
. If you see a message similar to Unable to access 'path.repo' (/usr/share/elasticsearch/data/snapshot)
or failed to obtain node locks, tried [/usr/share/elasticsearch/data]
and maybe these locations are not writable
when initially starting elasticsearch, that probably means the container is not allowed to write files to the volume.
To fix that issue, shutdown the container and on your host machine run:
chown 1000:0 -R /path/to/mount/point
This will match the permissions with the UID and GID of elasticsearch process within the container and should fix the issue.
The Elasticsearch index will turn to read only if the disk usage of the container goes above 95% until the usage drops below 90% again, you will see error messages like disk usage exceeded flood-stage watermark
Similar to that, TubeArchivist will become all sorts of messed up when running out of disk space. There are some error messages in the logs when that happens, but it's best to make sure to have enough disk space before starting to download.
We have come far, nonetheless we are not short of ideas on how to improve and extend this project. Issues waiting for you to be tackled in no particular order:
Implemented: - [X] Download video comments [2022-11-30] - [X] Show similar videos on video page [2022-11-30] - [X] Implement complete offline media file import from json file [2022-08-20] - [X] Filter and query in search form, search by url query [2022-07-23] - [X] Make items in grid row configurable to use more of the screen [2022-06-04] - [X] Add passing browser cookies to yt-dlp [2022-05-08] - [X] Add SponsorBlock integration [2022-04-16] - [X] Implement per channel settings [2022-03-26] - [X] Subtitle download & indexing [2022-02-13] - [X] Fancy advanced unified search interface [2022-01-08] - [X] Auto rescan and auto download on a schedule [2021-12-17] - [X] Optional automatic deletion of watched items after a specified time [2021-12-17] - [X] Create playlists [2021-11-27] - [X] Access control [2021-11-01] - [X] Delete videos and channel [2021-10-16] - [X] Add thumbnail embed option [2021-10-16] - [X] Create a github wiki for user documentation [2021-10-03] - [X] Grid and list view for both channel and video list pages [2021-10-03] - [X] Un-ignore videos [2021-10-03] - [X] Dynamic download queue [2021-09-26] - [X] Backup and restore [2021-09-22] - [X] Scan your file system to index already downloaded videos [2021-09-14]
The best donation to Tube Archivist is your time, take a look at the contribution page to get started.
Second best way to support the development is to provide for caffeinated beverages:
* GitHub Sponsor become a sponsor here on GitHub
* for a one time coffee
* Paypal Subscription for a monthly coffee
* for an alternative platform
This is a selection of places where this project has been featured on reddit, in the news, blogs or any other online media, newest on top. * Dev Debrief, An Interview With the Developer of Tube Archivist, [2023-03-30] [link] * Interview With Simon of Tube Archivist, [2023-01-29] [link] * Tube Archivist v0.3.0 - Now Archiving Comments, [2022-12-02] [link] * Tube Archivist v0.2 - Now with Full Text Search, [2022-07-24] [link] * How I Control What Media My Kids Watch Using Tube Archivist, [2022-03-27] [link] * Tube Archivist - A Youtube-DL Alternative on Steroids, [2022-01-27] [link] * Celebrating TubeArchivist v0.1, [2022-01-09] [link] * Pick: tubearchivist — Your self-hosted YouTube media server, [2021-09-11] [link] and [2021-10-05] [link] * Introducing Tube Archivist, your self hosted Youtube media server, [2021-09-12] [link]
Big thank you to Digitalocean for generously donating credit for the VPS and buildserver.
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