Transit class4 softswitch(SBC) with integrated billing and routing engine and REST API.
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YETI is an open source project based on SBC module of SEMS. The main goal is to move routing logic and entire softswitch behaviour to a separated layer. This approach provides flexibility, ability to quickly add a non-trivial features and simply integrate it with other systems. It is possible to completely change the business logic by changing only the management layer component. YETI consists of few separate parts:
You have to use Ruby version 2.7 with installed bundler.
It is strongly recommended to use PostgreSQL version 13. The easiest way to install it - is to use Debian Linux and follow official PostgreSQL instruction
You need to install:
curl | sudo apt-key add -
curl | sudo apt-key add -
sudo add-apt-repository "deb unstable main"
sudo add-apt-repository "deb buster main buster non-free"
sudo add-apt-repository "deb buster-pgdg main"
sudo apt-get install postgresql-13 postgresql-contrib-13 postgresql-13-prefix postgresql-13-pgq3 postgresql-13-pgq-ext postgresql-13-yeti postgresql-13-pllua
sudo apt-get install -t buster-pgdg libpq-dev
In addition you need to compile or install from .deb package Yeti PostgreSQL extension postgresql-13-yeti
Fork and clone yeti-web repository and run:
bundle install
Then create config/database.yml
, example is config/database.yml.development
. Notice this project uses two databases main "yeti" and second database "cdr"
Then create config/yeti_web.yml
, example is config/yeti_web.yml.development
To disable the creation of new versions via paper_trail for some model please fill the array under key versioning_disable_for_models
in the config/yeti_web.yml
Сreate config/policy_roles.yml
, example is config/policy_roles.yml.distr
or disable policy feature by changing following lines in config/yeti_web.yml
when_no_config: allow
when_no_policy_class: allow
And run command to create development database:
RAILS_ENV=development bundle exec rake db:create db:schema:load db:migrate db:seed
Then start rails server bundle exec rails s
and login to http://localhost:3000/ with
login admin
and password 111111
Then prepare test database(do not use db:test:prepare).
RAILS_ENV=test bundle exec rake db:drop db:create db:schema:load db:migrate db:seed
This project has CDR-database, configured as cdr see And all commands should be run explicitly by calling "db:*:cdr" commands.
NOTICE: Test DB needs seeds, actually only PGQ seed.
And run tests:
bundle exec rspec
When you run several migrations in a row, you may wish to stop at some point. In this case you should add stop_step
method to the migration:
# example /db/migrate/20171105085529_one.rb
def change
# do something
def stop_step
In this case all migrations after this one will no be performed. To continue migration process you should run rake db:migrate
command again.
If you do not want to migrate with stops, use env-variable IGNORE_STOPS=true
IGNORE_STOPS=true bundle exec rake db:migrate
RAILS_ENV=test bundle exec rake db:create db:schema:load db:seed
# create migration inside db/migrations
RAILS_ENV=test bundle exec rake db:migrate
# SCHEMA_NAME - schema of table into which you've inserted row(s)
# YETI_TEST_DB_NAME - yeti test database name on local machine
pg_dump --column-inserts --data-only --schema=SCHEMA_NAME --file=db/seeds/main/SCHEMA_NAME.sql YETI_TEST_DB_NAME
For development purpouse it is convinient to use PostgreSQL from Docker image. Here is the instruction how to set it up-and-running:
Install Docker on Ubuntu 18.10
projects directorysudo docker build -t yeti_postgres -f ci/pg13.Dockerfile .
sudo docker run -p 3010:5432 --volume yetiPgData:/var/lib/postgresql yeti_postgres
withusername: postgres
port: 3010
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